Meeting documents

North Dorset District Council Planning Committee
Tuesday, 26th February, 2019 9.30 am

  • Meeting of North Dorset District Council Planning Committee, Tuesday, 26th February, 2019 9.30 am (Item 76.)

Developland bythe erection of upto 80No. dwellings,form newvehicularaccess from NewRoad,open space,landscaping,ecological mitigation, drainage works andotherancillaryworks.(Outline applicationto determine access).



The Area Lead (Major Projects) Eastern presented the report for an outline application to determine access for the development of land by the erection of up to 80 dwellings.  The application had been the subject of a site visit by the committee members.

He advised that the application had been allocated in the Local Plan for development, a late representation had been received in relation to ecological and archaeological interest and a request from the NHS Trust for contributions.  The Area Lead (Major Projects) Eastern had spoken to the applicants who were willing to make reasonable contributions toward The Trust and these would be a matter of Section 106 negotiation.


Members were presented with an illustrative plan to give an indication of how the site may look.  The Area Lead (Major Projects) Eastern felt that although the application before members was for outline only, for reasons set out in his report conditions limit the number of dwellings to up to 75 dwellings, and for the ridgeline of any dwelling to be below the 55 contour line.


The application was support by a various reports including: landscape and visual impact assessment, ecological assessment, heritage impact, and transport assessment.


Public Participation


Oral representation was received from Mr P Hill on behalf of Blandford St Mary Parish Council, Mr Gale on behalf of Bryanston Parish Council and Ms S Woodlock.


Their concerns focused on the boundary changes having an impact on the area and the grade 2 listed buildings, 75 houses would be excessive.  More archaeological investigation was desired to find out if there were roman remains around the site. Conservation – concerns for wildlife, human health and public safety.


Mr S Williamson, the Agent for the applicant, addressed the committee.  He advised that the development had been sympathetically designed and the principal of development had already been agreed.  They had worked with Officers to address the relevant issues with the site, particularly landscape, and  Section 106 contributions subject to negotiations would be agreed. As an allocated site there were no policy objections in principle.


Ward Member


Cllr Kerby was concerned about the density and number of homes in the development, he agreed the number should be reduced.


The Area Lead (Major Projects) Eastern clarified that the number of homes was not an exact number in the local plan.  Previous suggestions of developing up to 65 dwellings were not supported by any research or evaluation of the site.  The final number of dwellings (up to 75) would be have to be considered at reserved matters stages along with landscape and design maters.  He re-iterated the 2 conditions proposed to restrict number and height of properties. 


The DCC Senior Archaeologist was satisfied with the details presented to him, and the Neighbourhood plan was not yet adopted so should not be given much weight.


Members questions and debate


In response to being asked when the traffic survey had taken place the DCC Highways Officer advised that this had been done in October 2017 over 5 days, 24 hours a day and they were happy with the assessment and the plans


Proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Dowden.


Decision: That the application be delegated to the Head of Planning (Development Management and Building Control) to grant planning permission subject to conditions set out below and the securing of planning contributions through the signing of a Section 106 agreement.


The conditions are outlined in the appendix to these minutes.


11:53 – 12:00 Comfort break


Supporting documents: